
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

For the love of Pete's Dragon...

People say the oddest things.  Some comments make me laugh, some make me shrug and others make me press delete.  While I will strive to make this a fun and funny place.  I have to share this...

This morning, I got on Pinterest to review (I try to curate my pins responsibly so there is little negativity and questions get answered).  I had posted two pins about strength, perseverence and keeping on.  Here is what I found:

×Thumbnail of Murat Musulluoglu
Murat Musulluoglu
spoil brat
×Thumbnail of Sara Nicoson
Sara Nicoson
wth? why would you comment something like that on somebody's pin?

These pins were both on my board Finding a voice, the description of this board is: MY voice, MY place to pin words that speak to ME... they may be funny, offensive, intuitive, thoughtful, sad or silly. I'm thankful for the freedom to be able to have a voice.

The pins are not necessarily about me, but may just be about words that have meaning to me, or may be of meaning to others.  This board has everything on it, from inspirational to off color humor.  I hope most of my followers enjoy the board.

Thumbnail of Murat Musulluoglu
Murat Musulluoglu
you have never suffered, I am sure of that.
×Thumbnail of Brianna Blaxall
Brianna Blaxall
You have no idea what someone has been through in their life, so that is a very bold statement Murat.

First - big thanks to Sara and Brianna for bringing the positive.  I have no idea why a pinner decides to make comments like this.  These pins aren't necessarily about me or my life, but they might be.  The lesson is this:

Unless I walk a mile in someone else’s shoes, I know not what they experience or feel.  Rather than defend my pins on Pinterest, I will continue to delete the nasty comments and continue to post pins that I like, that I feel might help another through a rough day.  For those who may not like what I post, please feel free to unfollow.  For all of you who are suffering or have suffered - keep on keeping on.